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From Bits to Broadband: Demystifying the Internet’s Core Building Blocks

From Bits to Broadband: Demystifying the Internet’s Core Building Blocks

One of my greatest strengths — and weaknesses — has always been my curiosity. I’ve never been satisfied just knowing that something works; I want to understand how it works at the most fundamental level. This mindset has guided many of my interests. For instance, my love of cooking began with wanting to recreate my favorite dishes from scratch. That curiosity then led me to explore agriculture — how the food we enjoy is grown at its most basic level.

I’ve had a similar journey with computers. Over time, I’ve wanted to understand their core secrets, continuously digging deeper. Anyone fascinated by technology knows that this particular rabbit hole of discovery seems almost infinite.

Today, I’m inviting you to join me on a journey into some of the deeper corners of this technological rabbit hole. Afterward, we’ll surface with a clearer understanding of how the internet and computers fundamentally operate — and how that affects your everyday life, especially from a security perspective.

Let’s get started, shall we?

Bits and Bytes

Spat out when I prompted “An Abstract Representation of 8 bits as a byte"

Bits and Bytes: The Alphabet of Machines

What exactly is a “bit”? A bit is the smallest unit of digital information — a single binary value: 1 or 0. In an electronic device, these values represent different states: high or low voltage, on or off. A single bit, however, is like a single letter of an alphabet — by itself, it doesn’t say much.

That’s why we generally talk about larger units, like bytes. A byte is a group of 8 bits. By combining bits into bytes, we can represent more complex pieces of data. One byte can have 256 possible combinations (from 00000000 to 11111111 in binary, which is 0 to 255 in decimal). To make this easier, we often use hexadecimal notation, where each hexadecimal digit represents four bits. Two hexadecimal digits — from 00 to FF — represent a single byte (FF in hex equals 255 in decimal).

With 256 possibilities per byte, we can assign each value to a letter, a number, or a punctuation mark. Standardizing these assignments ensures that computers around the world can understand each other. One of the earliest and most influential standards is ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange). ASCII originally defined mappings for 128 characters (enough for letters, digits, common punctuation, and control codes), and was later extended to use all 256 values. This system lets you translate bytes directly into the familiar characters you read on your screen.

Think of it like language: just as letters form words and words form entire works of literature, groups of bytes form instructions, programs, and ultimately, the digital world we inhabit. Alone, a single character might mean little. But arrange enough of them correctly, and you can compose Hamlet. Similarly, line up the right sequence of bytes, and you can build an operating system, a sophisticated application, or even shape the flow of information around the globe.


An ASCII Chart

Machine Language vs. Human Language

There are three crucial differences between how machines understand instructions and how humans interpret language:

  1. Precision:
    Human language is forgiving. If you say a sentence slightly incorrectly, most people will still understand you. Computers have no such tolerance. In code, you must be exact. A single incorrect character — like a misplaced semicolon — can cause an entire program to fail.
  2. Order of Operations:
    If I give you a list of tasks, you can choose the order in which you complete them, or decide not to complete them at all. A computer, however, executes commands strictly in the order it receives them. Tell a computer to put its shoes on and then its socks, and it will do exactly that — every single time — without question.
  3. Absolute Compliance:
    Humans can refuse commands. If someone asks you to do something dangerous, you can say “no.” A computer doesn’t have the innate ability to reject a valid command. Unless specifically programmed with checks and permissions, it will carry out every instruction it is given. Without safeguards, computers are essentially perfect “yes-men.”
Yes Man

He’ll do whatever you want! He literally can’t say no!

Connecting the Dots: From Data to the Internet

How does all this relate to the internet? At its core, the internet is a global system for moving bytes — those fundamental building blocks — between computers. The complexity lies in the rules, or “protocols,” that govern how this information travels. Protocols like TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) specify how data is packaged, addressed, transmitted, and received, ensuring that your request to load a webpage in New York can be understood and fulfilled by a server in Tokyo.

These protocols establish a common language. Without them, computers would speak different dialects and fail to communicate reliably. They also provide measures of authentication and verification, allowing your device to ensure it’s talking to the right server and receiving the data it requested — not something malicious.

When you send information across a wire, it moves as electrical signals through cables running beneath streets and oceans. Wirelessly, those bytes ride on radio waves, captured by antennas and converted back into digital information by your phone or computer.

Flow of the Internet

W.A.P = Wireless Access Point. (A better title would be: How the Internet Flows)

Why It Matters to You: Security and Responsibility

Understanding these basics reveals an important truth: computers are easily manipulated at a low level. They don’t question unusual requests or harmful instructions. If a malicious actor gains deep enough access — often called “root” access — they can rearrange bits and bytes to do their bidding. For example, they might insert a sequence of bytes that tells your computer to secretly forward all your personal data to a remote, unauthorized server. With just a subtle change at this fundamental level, a trustworthy machine can be turned into a data-leaking liability.

This is where you come in. As the owner, administrator, or steward of a device or network, your job is to set boundaries and protections. Tools like firewalls, Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), and User Access Management (UAM) systems help ensure that only the right people can send instructions to your devices. By understanding the machine’s limitations and where it’s vulnerable, you can prevent it from being compromised.

In other words, your computer is counting on you to provide the discernment it lacks. Just as you rely on it to execute precise commands, it relies on you to shield it from harmful instructions.


We started with a single bit — a simple 1 or 0 — and ended by exploring how these building blocks assemble into global networks transmitting information at the speed of light. Along the way, we uncovered the critical differences between human language and machine code, and we learned why internet protocols and security safeguards are essential for maintaining a safe and reliable digital world.

By understanding these fundamentals, you’re better equipped to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of your devices. Curiosity might lead you down the deepest of rabbit holes, but knowledge and prudence will guide you safely back to the surface, where you can use that understanding to protect yourself, your data, and your networks.

Now, equipped with this perspective, you’re prepared to interact more confidently and securely in our interconnected digital universe.